German Online Newspapers

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Thomas Mann beim Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE
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Usually one click is enough and you will find your daily breakfast newspaper also on the Internet. From the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" (FAZ) with Germany wide importance to our local "Fränkischen Tag": nearly all traditional papers have their www-version.

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A completely different picture is to be found if you are searching for a daily newspaper which is a pure online product. The opportunity - and an advantage for the reader - could be that the producers don't have to answer to a "mother editors office" and that they have to bear in mind always the potential of a globally spread audience. Here we would like to present you 4 journalistic products which claim to fulfil this brief:

  • Competitor promote themselves with the subtitle "the daily news, which is only published on the Internet".
  • offers a newsletter, which is distributed every morning. The editors are investigating the internet for information on politics, sports and economic news. They make a brief newsletter of this and send it with the link to the source to their subscribers.

All of these offers have something in common: Those who expect from a pure online service the quality, quantity and profundity associated with a traditional news-"paper" will be disappointed. They correspond directly to their transport media, the Internet: it must be fast, short, contemporary, easy to read and to pass on. With this intention, for example, every article from the comes with the exact time it is published, every editor can be reached and every article can be sent separately via E-mail.

Only culture and lifestyle sections have no real platform yet. Only snippets about pop stars or cinema news can be expected. But there is still the question: Does an internet newspaper have to be equal to a traditional one?
As everybody can see reading from the screen is much slower than from paper. This and the flexibility in handling is the reason why the online offers will not replace the paper editions in the near future.

For all those who are interested in similar English speaking services, below are two popular addresses: (Microsoft/CNN) and

Do you know other online newspapers which we can add to our list? Please write to:

Important: We are very concerned about keeping our internet links current. We would be very grateful if you could report dead links to us. Send an e-mail to

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