Learning German via Internet

the real Bavarian beer
tasting - only offline ;-)
Nowadays it seems there is no need to take a language course in Germany to study German: almost everything is available through the Internet. Everybody will soon stay at home while studying a foreign language. Nevertheless: as anybody who has learnt a foreign language will tell you, it is obvious that an internet course can't ever replace the language experience gained in the "mother-tongue" country.
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Private Online Lessons GERMAN 2025 |
| effective online tuition in German | exam preparation | online learning programs | video news for learning German | online games and vocabulary training |
Why is it worth learning a language? First of all to understand and to be understood by people of other nationalities.
For the preparation of a course in Germany and its follow-up after the course for studying texts or simply keeping in contact with the language the Internet offers additional options if someone's goal is:
- Undertaking first steps in a foreign language: vocabulary, phrases, basic grammar
- Learning independently of fixed times and places
- Staying in contact with the foreign language for own needs and fun
- Giving more priority to "language theory" and "grammar" than to interaction and communication.
Effective online tuition in German
At the German Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE there is not only German tuition in class in Bamberg, but it is offered also One-to-One online tuition via video chat (Skype, ZOOM, teams, meet ...). Before subscribing for a complete package of lessons many people choose first the "test lesson", including 1x45 Minutes of a private German lesson for the price of € 35*. For more information please have a look at TrainGerman.com.
* At TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE you will be taught by experienced, professional German teachers only.
Exam preparation
German exam preparation Online platform for preparing for the German exam. The website contains numerous exercises for all parts of the exam as well as various model tests. All exercises also contain explanations of the correct answers and are designed in the same way as they appear in the exam.
Online learning programs
However the multimedia software and online courses have the advantage of being accompanied by a tutor - if requested. Also independent modules can be ordered. So, the learner doesn't have to buy a pig in a poke, or, as the Germans say "buy the cat in a sack" (die Katze im Sack kaufen).
In the following we have listed some online learning programs which might be interesting for you:
- "German language blog- Auf Deutsch, bitte!" by Jens from London >>> Olesentuition.co.uk/links-for-german-students
- 123deutsch.com : Learn German naturally by listening to funny stories. Use your sense of hearing more, that is, develop an "ear," and understand native speakers as well. Learn spoken grammar with the images and colors in the stories. And actively practice the content using the APP Quizlet. The site offers support by real language teachers.
- Linguapsych.com provides a platform to German language learners. The offer aims at precisely writing every lesson for German language learners with all the information they might need on that topic.
- Annik Rubens' podcast "Slow German" revolves around German topics from beergarden to oktoberfest to politics. The episodes are 5 to 7 minutes long and accompanied by written transcripts on the webpage.
- The blog about Bamberg at bamblog.wordpress.com aims to get an view about Bamberg „from inside out“. For German learners there are topics and tasks about: (1) oddities (2) cultural activities and (3) sports
- The Deutsche Welle (DW) offers German courses for beginners levels and intermediate levels and also for Business German. Moreover there are "sticking points" tips. An additional text book and audio files can be downloaded for free.
In addition a multimedia-supported course can be found under redaktion-D keyword, which prepares you for the A1 and A2 levels certificates. - Online exercises for German as a foreign language: Grammar, vocabulary, regional studies, quiz... are offered by www.ralf-kinas.de
- BBC offers below "Make German Your Business" site offers audio clips from the tv programme, tips about learning German language and cultural notes.
- www.hauptstrasse117.de is a comprehensive online course for the language levels A1 and A2 published by the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
- The Oklahoma State University offers an educational learning centre for German distance learning at germanonline.okstate.edu.
- uni-deutsch, the program "German for Academic and Professional Purposes" of the Goethe-Institut, is the official distance learning course for preparing towards established university entrance level examinations such as Test-DaF, ZOP, DSH, KDS.
Online tutors of the Goethe-Institut provide support while you work individually at home. The entire course material can also be printed out. - The page "German Language on the internet" of Deutsche-Kultur-International.de offers mainly an overview of programs of the Goethe-Institut.
- Derweg.org: For all those who just have a basic knowledge of German and would like to improve it continuously there is the magazine "Der Weg". It is published quarterly and is free. At its website there is: material to download, information about Germany, a discussion forum,.... Try it!
- Lguide.com: A guide for learning online with evaluations, analysis and many tips. "German" is only one topic among many others.
- Germanlanguagelessons.com: You will learn more than 400 helpful sentences here, which are useful for every day situations.
- Learn the German Language with JiffyGerman.com- 100% Free Online eCourse, handy phrases, vocabulary, tips on how to learn a language and much, much more.
- Super German Website of Jim Becker offers the following information categories | German Grammar and Drills | Auf deutsch bitte! | Maps & Geography | German culture | Newspapers | German lessons | Travel in Germany | UK Sites | Dictionaries | Food | Games | Search Engines | German History | Miscellaneous Sites |
- Vocabulix.com - Learn German - free online vocabulary and verb training with audio and images
- Basic German for Beginners - Learn German from the very start with little funny German lessons.
- Onlinecourses.com -- is a free and comprehensive resource that is a collection of open college courses - German included - that spans videos, audio lectures, and notes given by professors at Harvard, Princeton and MIT
The courses available are getting ever more attractive through constantly improved technology, particularly for the basic steps in A1-B1. In future, texts, audio and video will be better combined to make learning process motivating more fun. But if you "really" want to learn and practice the language, then a resident course will always be the first choice. Here is our offer: Learn-german-home-tuition.com.
Video news for learning German
Kurz und leicht of DW Deutsche Welle is a news format for beginners. Short and easy offers you a short video of around one and a half minutes with current reports from around the world from Monday to Friday. The videos are at A2 level and have subtitles. In addition, there is the full text with word explanations to read along with and as a PDF to download - as always, free of charge.
Online games and vocabulary training
Kreuzwortraetsel.de offers a lot of help for solving crossword puzzles, including Scrabble and creating anagrams. There is also a free German-Ukrainian translation tool available as a PDF to download to minimize the language barrier in everyday life.
Institutions and Organisations
- The US-based Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) provide a huge list of organisations providing language programms
We are interested in your personal experience and learning success. Also if you know other attractive offers. Please write to : info@learn-german-online.net