Language course abroad:
Which is the best accommodation for me?

Summer evening with students of
Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT at Seehof Castle near Bamberg
When it comes to the choice of accommodation during a language course abroad, personal preferences are decisive. Do I feel happy beiing always together with other people? Or do I need a lot of time during the day for myself alone?
A high number of training sessions and additional homework usually leave little time for social activities with colleagues or deep discussions with the the host family. Here are a few scenarios and tips to be considered when choosing an accommodation.
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Young learners
When it comes to a language course abroad, many people think of a lot of contact to the country and its people. Just when someone intended that young people should learn in addition to the language also about the customs and culture of the people, the first choice in accommodation is with a host family. "Safety" has especially in this age group an absolute priority. So when choosing the host family it should be taken into account how the daily way to school is organized.
Very popular are so-called "Summer Camps", where a balanced combination of language, games, community and sports is focused. Life is organized in most cases in closed facilities and accommodation in so-called residences with shared rooms. The facilities are often used as boarding schools off school holidays.
For a best learning success and total care at the same time we suggest living and learning in the teachers house, a so called "Home Tuition Program".
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Adult learners
Adult learners should consider the motivation for the language training when choosing an accommodation, besides the personal preferences. General considerations are:
- How long is the daily way to school? Especially in big cities like London, Paris, Madrid, Berlin you can spoil your language studies with a uncomfortable distance between your accommodation and the school. Anyone who spends every day for one-way an hour or more in metros or buses has a lot of travel time rather than fun. In addition, to meet colleagues from school could be quite difficult. Nn that score, it is important to search an accommodation close the school. In London, for example, this is called a zone 1-2 accommodation. The zone 3-4 should be avoided, even if it's slightly cheaper. A distinct advantage in location for a language course have medium-sized cities, such as Bamberg. Especially if it's an university town (like also Bamberg), a rich cultural life could be found on short distances.
- Single or shared room? What is acceptable for students and young learners, is recommand to avoid for adults. A single room is always the right choice, because the risk is too high that something might not fit in the modus vivendi.
- Shared flat and host family versus Hotel and Apartment: Whether the anonymity of a hotel or apartments as accommodation is prefered, or the sociability of a shared flat or host family, this must be decided according to personal preferences. For the aspects of effenctive language training the sociability is definitely an advantage. However, the shorter a language training and the more intense the daily program of instruction is, e.g. 40 lessons a week, the more likely is to recommend a hotel. Alternatively, for stays longer than 2 weeks, an apartment is recommandable.
- Best-Price-Options: Accommodations will be as cheaper, as they are simpler equipped, host more students and are farther located away from school. A simple truth is: Good and affordable accommodation, located next to the school, are always tight. The only thing that helps: booking as early as possible.
Accommodation with Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT Bamberg
Bamberg and TREFFPUNKT is an ideal combination for learning German in Germany. Some students deal it as an insider tip and choose it second, third or fourth time for a German course. Compare the economical accommodation options TREFFPUNKT with other sites and schools.
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