How to make the most of your study holiday

- 10 ideas on how to spend the time after your language course abroad -

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course participants at Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT during a city walk Bamberg
course participants at
Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT
during a city walk Bamberg
To secure and expand your newly acquired language knowledge you should consider the following points: (Note*):

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  1. Make sure all your notes from the passed language course

    are well organized for future use.

  2. Keep in with German through online learning.

    The Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE offers all learners the opportunity to continue learning after the language course at school in Bamberg with a private teacher by an e-learning course as a German course via online chat like Skype, ZOOM ...Germancourse via Skype or an English course via online chat like Skype, ZOOM ...english course via Skype.

  3. Keep writing to your friends and colleagues

    from your class in the foreign language. If you joined a German course, write letters and e-mails in German. Write about your experiences, e.g. on the TREFF PUNKT school page in Facebook, and comment on photos and reports.

  4. Try to read German books and magazines,

    to remain in close contact with the foreign language. For low language levels illustrated children's books, written in a simpler language, are also recommendable.

  5. Spend some time every day / week watching German films or videos.

    For the students' favourites at the Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT have a look at our page German cinema and the media libraries of the TV channels.

  6. Buy some CD's of your favourite German music.

    Pay attention to an attached booklet with all song texts. Listen also to German radio.

  7. Study at home using course books, potcasts, audio streams, videos and CDs. Consider using an MP4 compressor to optimize video content for efficient storage and playback.

    We will support you with tips for appropriate material.

  8. Find different ways of practicing German in your own country.
    • Join or start a weekly gathering (>"Stammtisch"<) of kindred spirits in order to chat in the foreign language and spend leisure time together during weekends.
    • Get in touch with a German club in your neighbourhood or contact the Goethe-Institute,
      *German clubs in the USA can be found at e.g. Well known German clubs in the USA include, in Australia
    • Find a partner for "language exchange" (also called Sprachduo or Sprachtandem) If you are looking for German, Austrians or Swiss in your home town, it is a good idea to put a notice on a bulletin where German-speaking people often passing by. This can also be a a subsidiary of a German / Austrian / Swiss company. Or a language school where foreigners are learning your language in your home town.
      In Germany the " Volkshochschulen (VHS) ", are a good address "

  9. Subscribe to an online newsletter.

    You can find further ideas further ideas to keep in touch with the German language on our "What's on in Germany?".

  10. Plan your next language course abroad early.

    We will be pleased to welcome your to learn German with Sprachinstitut-TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE

Further tipps you will find as suggestions tips and advices on German conversation and vocabulary learning.

* These notes are based on our experience, and discussions with students and teachers
of the Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE - the Intensive German Course specialist for adults and executives.
The main aim is to give practical guidance for our future students learning German. But these tips are valid for all those planning a language course abroad.

Do you have further tips worth mentioning?
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