TREFFPUNKT Students' Guide to Germany

City tour with
Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT
Here students will find some useful resources for their study life in Germany. In most cases, you firstly try to socialize, to orient oneself at University, to get a job or to meet other obligations. Here, you will find some ways which might make some things easier.
Our latest news always on
| start to study in Germany | student networks | student magazines | useful hints for students everyday life|
| German and international student organizations |
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Note: In order to benefit from this kind of information as much as possible, you should have a solid knowledge of German.
Start to study in Germany
Here are the most practical tips if you decide to study in Germany. By the way: Germany is one of the most attractive locations for international students worldwide because of the safe enviroment and low study costs.
- The German government with their informative page and their "Five steps to studying in Germany".
- DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) with their tips "10 steps to studying in Germany"
- contains detailed and accurate information about learning German. It is also translated in 10 languages.
Student networks on the Internet
Participation in a virtual network is indispensable for any student more. Here are the most importants:
- facebook, THE international social network with millions of people from all over the world
Student magazines on the Internet
In every German university and canteen you will find a lot of information on students' everyday life: Learning tips, summer jobs, going out. Here are the online versions of the most popular student magazines:
- Good service information about student life in Germany and fresh news daily
- very reasonable student subscriptions for many newspapers and magazines
- JuraMagazin: Juramagazin is a law magazine published by German students.
- The oldest German student magazine with good tips for learning techniques, careers and advanced education
Online Magazines:
- - the blog for students
- here you will learn about living on a campus in the US
Useful hints for students everyday life
- Studi Kompass - High-Quality Proofreading & Editing Service
- Everything what students in Germany need (in German language)
- Reasons why you should learn German is an article about reasons why you need to learn German language
- The Deutsche Welle provides a wide range of information for international students in English and many other languages. Very helpful for decision making.
- Deutsches Studentenwerk, this organization takes care about the social, economical, cultural and physical support of students.
An extra website with all information for foreign students intending to study in Germany - helps you find the best way to finance your studies in Germany with a private or state student loan. Students can find all the details and selection criteria of more than 80 student loan offerings. We have some really great tools to calculate the costs of living during your studies, find the most appropriate student loan for your stay in Germany and calculate how much the student loan will cost you.
- is an online marketplace for study notes, where students can buy and sell their summaries, class notes, reports and other study material. Sign up for free today and starting earning through selling your summaries and notes!
- - offers interesting information, jobs and whatever matters for students
- Websites offering comparisons between schools and universities:
- The insurance company Care-Concept offers insurances for educational and stays abroad:
- Health insurance for language travelers up to the age of 35 (Care College)
- Health insurance for students over 35 (Care Economy)
- Liability and accident insurance (Care Protector)
- Statutory health insurance for students (through "DAK-Gesundheit")
German and international student organizations
- AIESEC, the international association of students studying economics
- ELSA, the international organization of students studying law
- IAESTE, the international organization of technical students
- RCDS (Ring christlich-demokratischer Studenten): religious-orientated student association
- if you are looking for local organizations, please have a look at the internet directory of with the keywords "Studentische Organisationen", "Politische Hochschulgruppen", "Religiöse Gruppen", "Kirchliche Gruppen" or "Studentenverbindungen"
Important: We are very concerned about the current internet links. We would be very grateful if you could report dead links to us. Send an e-mail to