Newsletter by e-mail

Cultural activities with
Who wants to stay informed about a particular topic or a specific source of information, subscribes to a particular newsletter on the web. Nearly half of all website owners already use this efficient and direct way of communication with customers and interested people. So, on this page we provide only a few interesting newsletters specially for learners of German.
Our latest news always on
Private Online Lessons GERMAN 2025 |
| newsletters from newspapers and publishing houses | newsletters of TV and radio stations | further newsletters |
News is published weekly or monthly, sometimes rather sporadically. Most have links incorporated into the text. Nearly all the large newspapers, TV and radio companies use this direct information channel. (-> addresses below "journalism" and "television and radio").
Here we would like to present 5 newsletters from a huge number of newsletters.
Note: In order to benefit from this kind of information as much as possible, you should have basic German language skills.
Newsletters from newspapers and publishing houses
- Content of the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT by e-mail.
DIE ZEIT is published every Thursday. It is the leading weekly paper for politics, economics, business and culture in Germany. In order to get a taste of what you will get, you can freely order the complete content page, which is sent every week as a newsletter. Comments and links give you a first insight into the articles. Sometimes you can receive up to 5-8 pages of information.
Anyone who wants to be informed about the current topics in Germany and in which "mood" the Germans are, should subscribe to this newsletter. (in German language only)
- The weekly magazine Focus is famous for its short, informative reports. Its newsletter, which flutters into your e-mail box between 10 and 11 in the morning at workdays, carries fresh news and valuable tips on health, career, vacation and sports. You subscribe by sending your name and e-mail address. Visit (in German language only)
Newsletters of TV and radio stations
- Watching television at Kulturzeit of the telestation 3Sat. This transmission is on air at 19:20 GMT five times a week (reruns at 09:05 and 01:25 GMT). For many years it has had a critical look at cultural and political topics. They cover current subjects and provide background information, reports and interviews with experts. Short messages about cultural events in Central Europe and nations worldwide are another item on the agenda.
- Deutsche Welle on the Internet: news, analysis and service from Germany and Europe. Also German courses and resources - in 30 languages. Also with newsletter.
Further Newsletters
- Our monthly newsletter for all learning German and/or interested in Germany can subscribe to
- The latest economical and political news from German News. This bilingual (German-English) service has been invented by students of the University of Ulm in 1993 and is provided by a network of several scientific facilities. The simple design is deluding: here you will find precise and current news which loads very quickly and is free of advertisement.
- Another newsletter with information on Germany in English language offers
- is an independent online-magazine for the change in the economy and society. (in German language only)
If you are interested in further newspapers (and a subscription to their daily newsletters) have a look at our page Journalism in Germany. Do you have further tips for this page? Send us an e-mail with your suggestions.
Important: We are very concerned about the current internet links. We would be very grateful if you could report dead links to us. Send an e-mail to