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Newsletter May 2021

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Documentation for all taster lessons | FREE


German grammar, short and sweet! | FREE
Documentation for all taster lessons | FREE
In a total of 8 free online lessons ("trial lessons"), Alexandra presented intriguing topics about the German grammar. The presentation slides are now available for self-study on this page:
1. der, die, das – wie weiß man das?
2. Akkusativ, Dativ – wann kommt was?

3. Wechselpräpositionen – mal Akkusativ, mal Dativ!
4. Adjektivdeklination – ein Wahnsinn, aber kontrollierbar!
5. Konjunktiv II part1 – Hätte ich, dann könnte ich, so wäre ich und würde ich!
6. Konjunktiv II part 2 – Wenn ich das gewusst hätte!
7. Komparativ - adjektivisch / adverbial
8. Superlativ - adjektivisch / adverbial

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Do you know this saying?

German sayings | vocabulary
Do you know this saying?
The Alumiportal Deutschland offers German idioms, phrases and proverbs in an entertaining way. An amusing and instructive way for those who want to immerse into German a different way.

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The best headsets for online teaching

appliance for online training | test headsets
The best headsets for online teaching
When it comes to online training, it is extremely important to understand and to be understood easily and well in terms of audio quality. Therefor a good headset is essential. Wireless or wired is more a matter of taste. The school TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE has just updated their recommendations for different gadgets of 20 headphones / headsets. They range from economical to expensive, it is all there.

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What does the job reference certificate in its secret code?

job and job application in Germany
What does the job reference certificate in its secret code?
When changing jobs, the "certificate" (Arbeitszeugnis) you get or should ask for is still very important in Germany. This is particularly true if you do not have a lot of working experience yet.

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Deutsch perfekt | German language magazine | Februar 2021

Language magazine for German
Deutsch perfekt – May issue
Learn German the easy way with the language magazine "DEUTSCH PERFEKT". An entertaining mix of information about German-speaking regions and language trainings. A new issue is published every month. The main topic is current issue: "Is the German language too masculine?"

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