Journalism in Germany

page in Englisch language   diese Seite in deutscher Sprache

Part of the tuition for advanced learners: working with German newspapers
Part of the tuition for
advanced learners: working
with German newspapers

Journalism in Germany today has very different segments and orientations. Thus, it is often difficult to distinguish the "classical" journalism, that focuses on stories and reports, from other objectives such as public relations, marketing, advertising or pure entertainment. We can only list here a certain range of sources. Please note that most of the sources and references listed are in German only. If information is offered in foreign languages, it is often only a shortened text of the information in German.

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Popular newspapers & magazines in Germany

Pure online newspapers

  • For all those who are interested in similar English speaking services, below are two popular addresses: (Microsoft/CNN) and
  • - Das Online-Nachrichtenmagazin bietet wöchentlich aktuelle Informationen für junge Leser.

Journalism online for insider

Books and bookshops on the internet

  • multilingual user interface German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Dutch - more than 4 million international book titles available - fast delivery

Press releases

Other websites of interest

Important: We are very concerned about the current internet links. We would be very grateful if you could report dead links to us. Send an e-mail to

Do you know other online newspapers which we can add to our list? Please write to:

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