Tips and basics for a weekend In Germany

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Thomas Mann beim Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE
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Learning a new language can sometimes be a little bit frightening, but also very liberating when you start noticing your progress. The best way to learn a new language, once you have covered the basics in vocabulary and grammar, is to speak to native speakers or to visit the country itself. And that way learning is far more fun as you have the opportunity to experience the culture as well as the language.

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Germany is blessed with many cities that are fantastic destinations for a fun weekend away. Hamburg's nightlife is legendary, and the beer halls of Munich are always popular with tourists and locals, but don't neglect Cologne with its astonishing cathedral and unique brews. Also consider less frequently visited spots like Duesseldorf or Dresden; summer evenings by the river here can be wonderful. Useless to mention the people magnet Berlin for many reasons.

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In these days and times people don't really walk about with phrase books in their pockets anymore, today most of us use a smartphone with an App on it, that has replaced those little tourist books. But looking at the screen during a city tour more often than looking at the original sights in front of your nose can, in the long run, seem quite absurd. Just think about how good you will feel though, if you don't have to pull out your phone in order to get Information – it will give you a great sense of achievment.

Bamberg - UNESCO world heritage
boat tour in the Hamburg Habour

Deutsche freuen sich, wenn Sie sie in ihrer Muttersprache angesprechen. Auch dann, wenn sie versuchen Ihnen azf Englisch zu antworten. Das ist die für Deutsche typische Art dem ausländischen Gast entgegen zu kommen. Lassen Sie sich nicht irritieren sprechen Sie weiter auf Deutsch.

Basic vocabulary

The first place you may need to use German is likely to be the taxi rank or bus stop at the airport. Let's look at basic greetings first:

Hello   Hallo
Good morning   Guten Morgen
Good afternoon   Guten Tag
Good evening   Guten Abend
Please   Bitte
Thank you   Danke
I need to go to down town, please.   Ich muss bitte zum Zentrum.
How much is (a ticket)?   Wie teuer ist (ein Ticket)?

At The Hotel

Remember that "w" in German is pronounced like "v" in English. Arriving at the hotel, try these phrases depending on whether you have a reservation. Of course, almost all large hotels in big cities will have English-speaking staff, but it doesn't hurt to try!

Do you have a room?   Haben Sie ein Zimmer?
We'd like a double room please.   Wir möchten bitte ein Doppelzimmer.
How much is a single room?   Was kostet ein Einzelzimmer?
I have a reservation.   Ich habe eine Reservierung.
What time is breakfast?   Um wieviel Uhr ist Frühstück?
What time should I check out?   Wann sollte ich auschecken?

At A Bar

So – you've found the hotel and got a room, and you know when you have to be up and out. It must be time for a drink! Let's head to a bar...

I'd like a beer please.   Ich hätte gern ein Bier bitte.
Two beers please.   Zwei Bier bitte.
A glass of red wine please.   Ein Glas Rotwein bitte.
Three glasses of white wine please.   Drei Gläser Weisswein bitte
Do you have a cocktail menu?   Haben Sie eine Cocktail-Karte?
Can I have the bill please?   Kann ich bitte die Rechnung haben?

Bamberg - UNESCO world heritage
Inside the EAST in Hamburg (Hotel, Bar, Restaurant)


Time to eat! Options are extensive of course, so we'll concentrate on the names of common foods in German.

Pork   Schweinefleisch
Beef   Rindfleisch
Chicken   Huhn
Potatoes   Kartoffeln
Bread   Brot
Carrots   Möhren, Karotten
Cabbage   Kohl
Salad   Salat
Vegetarian   Vegetarier


Finally, some late-night options...

Is there a club near here?   Gibt es einen Szene-Club in der Nähe?
Can you recommend an event or typical in the city?   Können Sie eine Veranstaltung oder eine typische Kneipe in der Stadt empfehlen?
Is there somewhere with live music nearby?   Gibt es etwas mit Live-Musik in der Nähe?

Insofar as an initial basic vocabulary to arrive. If you want to try and test how your spoken German sounds, we recommend a few lessons with a "real" teacher specialized in German as a foreign language. A good start is a German test lesson via online chat like Skype, ZOOM.

That's it! Enjoy your weekend in Germany - Viel Spaß!

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