Test you knowledge in German language!

Concentration on the entry-level test
at Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT
How good is your German? Test your grammar skills by choosing the correct words from the list below. It takes about 30 minutes to answer all the questions. It is not necessary to be online all the time. Finally, send us the questionnaire by clicking once on the gray field "Fertig & Absenden!".
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You will receive the test results with the evaluation and the explanations within a few minutes by e-mail *. This service is completely free of charge and without obligation. We assure you that your personal data will not be passed on to anyone! Read our detailed information on data protection.
NOTE: Due to massive SPAM problems, we had to take our online German test offline (end of October 2021). We are very sorry, but unfortunately there are people who abuse a popular, uncomplicated service 100 times a day.
If you want to do our online German test, please send us an email to info@learn-german-online.net. We will then send you the link individually. Thanks you.
Do you have any suggestions, comments, suggestions? Please write to us: info@learn-german-online.net. Thank you for your help in improving this information offer.
>>> Click here for our course program "Learn German Online" with Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE.